API Reference

Name Kind Description
AnimatableProperty Class Transitions a numeric property over a configurable duration
Band Class Base type for bands
Banner Class Displays a fixed-position text banner
Bounds Interface Coordinates of a box shape
DefaultSidebar Class Default sidebar implementation
Drawable Class Base class for any visual component that can be added to a Timeline instance (bands or decorations)
EllipseFill Interface Properties to be provided with fillEllipse
EllipseStroke Interface Properties to be provided with strokeEllipse
EventHandler Class Translates Canvas DOM events into non-DOM hit events
FillStyle Type alias Style to use when filling shapes
GrabHitEvent Interface Event generated while grabbing a hit region
Graphics Class Draw on an HTML5 canvas
HeaderClickEvent Interface Event generated when the header of a Timeline Band was clicked
HitCanvas Class Keeps track of regions of interest (hit regions)
HitRegionBuilder Class
HitRegionSpecification Interface Specifies which properties a hit region responds too
Item Interface Item-specific properties
ItemBand Class Band that draws events
ItemClickEvent Interface Event generated when a Timeline item was clicked
ItemMouseEvent Interface Event generated in relation to mouse interactions on Timeline items
KeyboardHitEvent Interface Event generated for keyboard events on a hit region
Line Interface Line-specific properties
LinePlot Class Band type that plots a line along the timeline
MilestoneShape Type alias
MouseHitEvent Interface Event generated while using a mouse over a hit region
MouseTracker Class Displays a vertical bar matching the time where the mouse is hovering
Path Class
PathFill Interface Properties to be provided with fillPath
PathSegment Interface
PathStroke Interface Properties to be provided with strokePath
Point Interface (x, y) coordinates
PointClickEvent Interface Event generated when a point on a LinePlot was clicked
PointHoverEvent Interface Event generated when a point on a LinePlot was hovered
RectFill Interface Properties to be provided with fillRect
RectStroke Interface Properties to be provided with strokeRect
ScaleKind Type alias
ShapeRenderer Type alias
ShapeStyle Interface
Sidebar Class Sidebar where band headers are displayed
State Interface State-specific properties
StateBand Class Draw discrete state changes
StateClickEvent Interface Event generated when a Timeline state was clicked
StateMouseEvent Interface Event generated in relation to mouse interactions on Timeline states
TextAlignment Type alias
TextFill Interface Properties to be provided with fillText
TextMetrics Interface
TextOverflow Type alias
Timeline Class
TimelineEvent Interface Tag interface for all events generated by a Timeline instance
TimeLocator Class Draws a vertical bar at a specific time
TimeRange Interface Data holder for a range of time
TimeRuler Class A ruler that interprets time as milliseconds since January 01, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
Tool Type alias
TouchHit Interface Single contact point on a touch-sensitive device
TouchHitEvent Interface Event generated while touching a hit region
ViewportChangeEvent Interface Event generated when the viewport has changed
ViewportDoubleClickEvent Interface Event generated when the viewport is double-clicked
ViewportMouseLeaveEvent Interface Event generated when the mouse is moving outside the viewport
ViewportMouseMoveEvent Interface Event generated when the mouse is moving over the viewport
ViewportSelectionEvent Interface Event generated when the selected range has changed
WheelHitEvent Interface Event generated when moving a mouse wheel